There is so much to learn, though its easy to get started
You can estimate the amount of active ingredients in each serving by dividing the content displayed in milligrams by the number of servings.
For example: 1000mg of 75% AI extract = (5) ~150mg THC hexagonal cells which contain (6) 25mg servings.
ai content/total weight = 750/1000mg = 150/200mg = 25/~33.3mg
Use this as a guide for metering the psychoactivity level you experience.
To compare, we measure nutritional facts of a piece of chocolate as a whole bar, and per individual serving. Now imagine instead of fat or calories in 4oz chocolate bar, we’re measuring the cannabinoids and terpenes in extract, as well as breaking down the active ingredient content per serving. This enables us to measure the potencies of extracts and resins just like most other products we consume.
Best kept chilled to increase rigidity prior to removal
Gently Press down into the center of each Hexagonal Cell
Brittle extracts will fracture along the perforations into separate pieces
Use tools or fingers to remove serving
consume as desired or recommended by your Dr. or Budtender
Store unused concentrate below room temp
Best kept chilled to increase rigidity prior to removal
While pressing from the bottom of mold, gently spread the walls of the Hexagonal Cell
Push and massage under the mold to completely loosen extract
Use tool to cut along guide lines if resin is too soft to fracture
Store unused concentrate below room temp